Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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Purple tiger diet pills | purple tiger energy pills


Purple Tiger Energy


Real Results!

 Looking for Purple Tiger™ diet pills? 

Ready to order Purple Tiger? 

Simply visit our Vista Health Products 

Purple Tiger™ website at:

So, What makes Purple Tiger Diet Pills so effective? 

Purple Tiger™ is a proprietary blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and other co-factors that may increase energy, weight loss, and give you that overall sense of well being. In addition to their nutritional value, the ingredients in Purple Tiger™ exert reasonable antioxidant effects that may help address some of the metabolic issues that affect energy production. This blend of the high quality ingredients has also been known to normalize food cravings, suppress appetite, and naturally speed up your metabolism. Purple Tiger™ maybe involved in vital processes that are important for normal energy production and cellular metabolism. This process is referred to as Thermogensis which has been known to increases the metabolism allowing the body to slow down the storage of fat.
Purple Tiger™ is a unique fast acting effective formula with clinically proven ingredients that work synergistically together to increase energy, reduce the appetite, decrease cravings and increase the metabolism. In less than an hour you may quickly feel Purple Tiger™ going to work through the proven amino acids like 5-HTP that has been clinically studied to decrease hunger signals to the stomach giving a “full” sensation allowing you to take control over your appetite instead of your appetite taking control of you. Purple Tiger™ begins to work quickly to increase energy and metabolic rate while allowing your natural metabolism to stay in control. These powerful ingredients working together through these mechanism maybe crucial in you losing weight quickly, safely, and effectively. Purple Tiger™ is like no other product available giving you Energy like a Tiger, Appetite like a Bird.

Purple Tiger™ diet pills are an all-natural diet pill that addresses three important things that put you in total control with your MOOD, ENERGY & APPETITE! 

You will feel happy, energized and in control for the first time in years when taking Purple Tiger™, the ultimate secret weapon with weight control. A simple and fun solution to a major challenge facing
 most Americans today. Eating less and moving more, along with portion control and smart food choices is now easy with Purple Tiger™ the "Happy Skinny Pill." You finally have help to achieve your weight loss goals.
Vista Health Products combines traditional and safe use of botanicals and organic compounds with the latest in scientific research and clinical studies to formulate and manufacture these revolutionary products. Vista Health Prducts' Purple Tiger™ represents a revolutionary approach to overall health and wellness. By allowing you to literally ‘dial in’ the amount of energy and mood enhancement you desire throughout the day, along with the level of appetite you choose to experience between meals, Purple Tiger™ Diet Pills put you firmly in control of your daily dietary intake.Whether it’s dialing down your cravings for sweets or carbohydrates, or dialing up your exercise routines and positive mental outlook. Taken as part of an overall commitment to better health, practical eating habits and daily exercise with proper hydration levels, Purple Tiger™ gives you victory over the three most common challenges to weight management and a healthy lifestyle.
Highlights of the "Purple Tiger™ diet pill"
No More Dieters Grumpiness
No More Sluggishness
No More Hunger Pangs
No More Cravings
You Eat Less and Want to Move More
Purple Tiger™ Gives You More Energy and Focus
Purple Tiger™ Brightens Your Mood
Purple Tiger™ Gives You Control Over Food
Purple Tiger™ Helps to Increase Metabolism
Purple Tiger™ is Safe, Fast and Effective
No Jitters or Nervousness
No Adverse Side Effects
No Prescription Required

Purple Tiger™ Science & Ingredients
Caffeine (from natural sources) - extracted from the guarana plant, equivalent to one cup of coffee.
Chromium - helps the pancreas function properly. Also helps with blood sugar levels. 
Vitamin B-6 - helps with nervousness, anemia, weak muscles, dermatitis and mouth problems.
Vitamin B-12 - important for healthy bone marrow and red blood cells. Helps nerve and brain damage.
Calcium Aquamin - is a type of calcium derived from sea life.

Magnesium - calms the nerves, increases tissue elasticity and is vital for solid teeth and bones.
Zinc - helps with cholesterol deposits, arterioslcerosis, loss of taste and infertility. Helps heal wounds.
B-Phenylalanine - is used for an appetite suppressant, pain relief and premenstrual syndrome.
Dark Cocoa Powder - has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine and three times that of green tea.
1,3 Dimethylamylamine (Geranium plant) - increases energy, mental clarity, and physical performance.
Green Tea - protects against cancer, lowers cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.
Choline Bitartrate - essential nutrient in the brain. Also helps with sleep and fetal development.
Alpha Keto Glutaric Acid - has been shown to combat chronic fatigue.

Cinnamon - may improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Trace Minerals - necessary for 95% of the bodies daily functions. Essential for maintaining PH balance.
5HTP - gives a "full sensation" allowing you to control your appetite. Also helps to elevate the mood.
Vanadium Sulfate - a trace mineral that helps with cholesterol buildup.

Chocomine - derivative of chocolate which in turn decreases cravings for chocolate. Also increases energy.
Silica - aids in the formation of collagen, which is the primary protein component of hair, skin, and nails.
These powerful all natural ingredients working together through these mechanisms may be crucial for weight loss quickly, safely, and effectively. 
Purple Tiger™ is like no other product available, giving you . 

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Purple tiger diet pills | purple tiger energy pills


Purple Tiger Energy


Real Results!

 Looking for Purple Tiger™ diet pills? 

Ready to order Purple Tiger? 

Simply visit our Vista Health Products 

Purple Tiger™ website at:

So, What makes Purple Tiger Diet Pills so effective? 

Purple Tiger™ is a proprietary blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and other co-factors that may increase energy, weight loss, and give you that overall sense of well being. In addition to their nutritional value, the ingredients in Purple Tiger™ exert reasonable antioxidant effects that may help address some of the metabolic issues that affect energy production. This blend of the high quality ingredients has also been known to normalize food cravings, suppress appetite, and naturally speed up your metabolism. Purple Tiger™ maybe involved in vital processes that are important for normal energy production and cellular metabolism. This process is referred to as Thermogensis which has been known to increases the metabolism allowing the body to slow down the storage of fat.
Purple Tiger™ is a unique fast acting effective formula with clinically proven ingredients that work synergistically together to increase energy, reduce the appetite, decrease cravings and increase the metabolism. In less than an hour you may quickly feel Purple Tiger™ going to work through the proven amino acids like 5-HTP that has been clinically studied to decrease hunger signals to the stomach giving a “full” sensation allowing you to take control over your appetite instead of your appetite taking control of you. Purple Tiger™ begins to work quickly to increase energy and metabolic rate while allowing your natural metabolism to stay in control. These powerful ingredients working together through these mechanism maybe crucial in you losing weight quickly, safely, and effectively. Purple Tiger™ is like no other product available giving you Energy like a Tiger, Appetite like a Bird.

Purple Tiger™ diet pills are an all-natural diet pill that addresses three important things that put you in total control with your MOOD, ENERGY & APPETITE! 

You will feel happy, energized and in control for the first time in years when taking Purple Tiger™, the ultimate secret weapon with weight control. A simple and fun solution to a major challenge facing
 most Americans today. Eating less and moving more, along with portion control and smart food choices is now easy with Purple Tiger™ the "Happy Skinny Pill." You finally have help to achieve your weight loss goals.
Vista Health Products combines traditional and safe use of botanicals and organic compounds with the latest in scientific research and clinical studies to formulate and manufacture these revolutionary products. Vista Health Prducts' Purple Tiger™ represents a revolutionary approach to overall health and wellness. By allowing you to literally ‘dial in’ the amount of energy and mood enhancement you desire throughout the day, along with the level of appetite you choose to experience between meals, Purple Tiger™ Diet Pills put you firmly in control of your daily dietary intake.Whether it’s dialing down your cravings for sweets or carbohydrates, or dialing up your exercise routines and positive mental outlook. Taken as part of an overall commitment to better health, practical eating habits and daily exercise with proper hydration levels, Purple Tiger™ gives you victory over the three most common challenges to weight management and a healthy lifestyle.
Highlights of the "Purple Tiger™ diet pill"
No More Dieters Grumpiness
No More Sluggishness
No More Hunger Pangs
No More Cravings
You Eat Less and Want to Move More
Purple Tiger™ Gives You More Energy and Focus
Purple Tiger™ Brightens Your Mood
Purple Tiger™ Gives You Control Over Food
Purple Tiger™ Helps to Increase Metabolism
Purple Tiger™ is Safe, Fast and Effective
No Jitters or Nervousness
No Adverse Side Effects
No Prescription Required

Purple Tiger™ Science & Ingredients
Caffeine (from natural sources) - extracted from the guarana plant, equivalent to one cup of coffee.
Chromium - helps the pancreas function properly. Also helps with blood sugar levels. 
Vitamin B-6 - helps with nervousness, anemia, weak muscles, dermatitis and mouth problems.
Vitamin B-12 - important for healthy bone marrow and red blood cells. Helps nerve and brain damage.
Calcium Aquamin - is a type of calcium derived from sea life.

Magnesium - calms the nerves, increases tissue elasticity and is vital for solid teeth and bones.
Zinc - helps with cholesterol deposits, arterioslcerosis, loss of taste and infertility. Helps heal wounds.
B-Phenylalanine - is used for an appetite suppressant, pain relief and premenstrual syndrome.
Dark Cocoa Powder - has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine and three times that of green tea.
1,3 Dimethylamylamine (Geranium plant) - increases energy, mental clarity, and physical performance.
Green Tea - protects against cancer, lowers cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.
Choline Bitartrate - essential nutrient in the brain. Also helps with sleep and fetal development.
Alpha Keto Glutaric Acid - has been shown to combat chronic fatigue.

Cinnamon - may improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Trace Minerals - necessary for 95% of the bodies daily functions. Essential for maintaining PH balance.
5HTP - gives a "full sensation" allowing you to control your appetite. Also helps to elevate the mood.
Vanadium Sulfate - a trace mineral that helps with cholesterol buildup.

Chocomine - derivative of chocolate which in turn decreases cravings for chocolate. Also increases energy.
Silica - aids in the formation of collagen, which is the primary protein component of hair, skin, and nails.
These powerful all natural ingredients working together through these mechanisms may be crucial for weight loss quickly, safely, and effectively. 
Purple Tiger™ is like no other product available, giving you . 

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